Big Breakfast® with Hotcakes Price

Mcdonald’s Big Breakfast® with Hotcakes Price, Ingredients & Nutrition

Calorie Count: 1340 Cal. per serving

Price: $8.59

Reviews by Customers

The McDonald’s Big Breakfast with Hotcakes price and quantity is what we call value! Presenting our heartiest meal, McDonald’s Big Breakfast with Hotcakes price —which includes light and fluffy scrambled eggs with a warm sausage patty and buttermilk biscuit, and Hash Browns. The highlight is of course the trio of signature warm Hotcakes!

Big Breakfast® with Hotcakes Ingredients



Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled Eggs



Hotcake Syrup

Hotcake Syrup

Hash Browns

Hash Browns

Sausage Patty

Sausage Patty

Salted Whipped Butter

Salted Whipped Butter

Salted Butter

Salted Butter

Clarified Butter

Clarified Butter

Nutritional Information for Big Breakfast® with Hotcakes

1340 Cal.





Total Carbs (58% DV )


Total Fat (80% DV )

Frequently Asked Questions

McDonald’s Big Breakfast with Hotcakes includes a buttermilk biscuit, a sausage patty, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and a stack of 3 signature Hotcakes. There are 1340 calories in this meal.

Yes. You can make some substitutions, such as English muffin instead of the buttermilk biscuit, or the sausage patty instead of bacon. McDonald’s Big Breakfast with Hotcakes price may differ for any additions.

The Hotcakes are only included in the breakfast menu at McDonald’s, so the serving time usually stops as breakfast ends (10:30 for most locations). Make sure you order before breakfast hours end if you want to savor our delicious Hotcakes!

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