Sausage Biscuit

Mcdonald’s Sausage Biscuit Price, Ingredients & Nutrition

Calorie Count: 460 Cal. per serving

Price: $2.43

Reviews by Customers

Southern-style warm buttermilk biscuit and a sausage patty with salted butter give you just the energy you need to start your day right. You can also add an egg to your sandwich (McDonald’s Sausage Biscuit price and nutrition value subject to change).

Sausage Biscuit Ingredients



Sausage Patty

Sausage Patty

Salted Butter

Salted Butter

Nutritional Information for Sausage Biscuit

460 Cal.





Total Carbs (13% DV )


Total Fat (38% DV )

Frequently Asked Questions

The main ingredients of the Sausage Biscuit are a buttermilk biscuit and freshly grilled sausage. The biscuit is topped with rich salted butter. You can choose to add an egg (with the McDonald’s Sausage Biscuit price subject to change).

A standard Sausage Biscuit has 460 calories and a fat content of 30 grams. The calorie count can vary between 460 and 530 if you choose to add an egg (35 grams of fat).

Yes, you can order a Sausage Biscuit at any time of the day—breakfast, lunch, or dinner. However, you can only add the egg to the Sausage Biscuit during breakfast hours.

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